GROMACS 4.6 example: Ethanol solvation with expanded ensemble

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Setting up the calculation with GROMACS

This tutorial assumes knowledge of [GROMACS]. Make sure you actually know how to use GROMACS first.

Setting up the calculations are very similar to standard free energy calculations; you can review a tutorial here for the standard way to perform the simulation. The topology and gro files are exactly the same; only the mdp files and the calls to the programs change.

In this particular case, we again set up nine intermediate states defined to perform the calculation of the absolute solvation free energy of ethanol (also known as the chemical potential at infinite dilution). However, you will only need to run one simulations, as the simulation will go back and forth between the different states.

So, start with the same (ethanol.gro) and ( and a new mdp file (expanded.mdp) files.

Running the calculation with GROMACS

Run grompp and mdrun as normal. Specifically:

  grompp -f expanded.mdp -c ethanol.gro -p -o ethanol.X.tpr -maxwarn 4

There may be some warnings, and you'll need to override, hence -maxwarn.

For mdrun, we simply run:

    mdrun -deffnm ethanol.X -dhdl ethanol.X.dhdl.xvg

The number of threads can be set as with any other simulation. If you don't set the dhdl file independently, it will be saved to ethanol.X.xvg,

Strictly, you will only need the dhdl files, but looking at the other output files can be useful to determine what is going on in the system if something goes wrong.

Analyze the calculation results

There are two ways to use the outputs to perform free energy calculations.

Expanded ensemble calculations build up the free energies as the simulations are performed. It does this by building up simulation weights as the simulation progresses, so each different thermodynamic state (lambda state) has a different weight. If it didn't have this weight, then the simulation would spend all the time in the lowest free energy states. When it visits each state equally, then the weights will be exactly equal to the free energies. We keep track of this in the log files. For example, after 50 ps, we have:

          Step           Time         Lambda
         25000       50.00000        0.00000
            MC-lambda information
 Wang-Landau incrementor is:           1
 N  CoulL   VdwL    Count   G(in kT)  dG(in kT)
 1  0.000  0.000       38    0.00000    4.00000   
 2  0.200  0.000       34    4.00000    4.00000   
 3  0.500  0.000       30    8.00000    0.00000   
 4  1.000  0.000       30    8.00000    3.00000   
 5  1.000  0.200       27   11.00000    3.00000 <<
 6  1.000  0.400       24   14.00000    1.00000   
 7  1.000  0.600       23   15.00000    2.00000   
 8  1.000  0.800       21   17.00000   -2.00000   
 9  1.000  1.000       23   15.00000    0.00000   

the << indicate the current state, with the free energies indicated.

at 250 ps, we have:

          Step           Time         Lambda
        125000      250.00000        0.00000
            MC-lambda information
 Wang-Landau incrementor is:      0.0625
 N  CoulL   VdwL    Count   G(in kT)  dG(in kT)
 1  0.000  0.000       13    0.00000    4.75000
 2  0.200  0.000       25    4.75000    3.87500
 3  0.500  0.000       41    8.62500    2.56250 <<
 4  1.000  0.000       30   11.18750    2.12500
 5  1.000  0.200       26   13.31250    1.62500
 6  1.000  0.400       24   14.93750    0.93750
 7  1.000  0.600       21   15.87500   -1.81250
 8  1.000  0.800        6   14.06250   -6.37500
 9  1.000  1.000        6    7.68750    0.00000

Note that the Wang-Landau incrementor (the amount added to the free energies of the current state) is now 0.0625

Much later, we reach:

          Step           Time         Lambda
        997000     1994.00000        0.00000
            MC-lambda information
 Wang-Landau incrementor is:   0.0078125
 N  CoulL   VdwL    Count   G(in kT)  dG(in kT)
 1  0.000  0.000      299    0.00000    4.53125
 2  0.200  0.000      311    4.53125    3.93750
 3  0.500  0.000      335    8.46875    1.96094
 4  1.000  0.000      340   10.42969    1.84375 <<
 5  1.000  0.200      352   12.27344    1.64844
 6  1.000  0.400      347   13.92188    0.64062
 7  1.000  0.600      383   14.56250   -2.22656
 8  1.000  0.800      450   12.33594   -5.54688
 9  1.000  1.000      456    6.78906    0.00000

And a few steps after that, we have:

 Step 998200: Weights have equilibrated, using criteria: wl-delta

So the weights now STOP equilibrating. From this point on, the simulation is an equilibrium simulation (it is not history-dependent). This is the point which we should START analyzing the dhdl file.

We can tell how close these free energies are by looking at how close the visits are to flat at the end of the simulation:

          Step           Time         Lambda
      20000000    40000.00000        0.00000
           MC-lambda information
 N  CoulL   VdwL    Count   G(in kT)  dG(in kT)
 1  0.000  0.000    24232    0.00000    4.50000
 2  0.200  0.000    21616    4.50000    3.98438
 3  0.500  0.000    20533    8.48438    1.96875
 4  1.000  0.000    21404   10.45312    1.84375
 5  1.000  0.200    20978   12.29688    1.64844
 6  1.000  0.400    24308   13.94531    0.64062 <<
 7  1.000  0.600    23005   14.58594   -2.22656
 8  1.000  0.800    17166   12.35938   -5.54688
 9  1.000  1.000    16776    6.81250    0.00000

We can see that the counts are within 2.42/1.68 = 1.44, and kBT*log(1.44) = 0.8 kJ/mol, which is not so bad since the weights were fixed after 2 ns of total simulation at all eight states.

We can now analyze the dhdl file, using pymbar with the dhdl output. Unlike last time, there is only one dhdl file, which has outputs of the form:

@ s0 legend "Thermodynamic state" 
@ s1 legend "Energy (kJ/mol)" 
@ s2 legend "dH/d\xl\f{} (coul -lambdas)"
@ s3 legend "dH/d\xl\f{} (vdw-lambdas)"
@ s4 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (0,0)"
@ s5 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (0.2,0)"
@ s6 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (0.5,0)"
@ s7 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (1,0)"
@ s8 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (1,0.2)"
@ s9 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (1,0.4)"
@ s10 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (1,0.6)"
@ s11 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (1,0.8)"
@ s12 legend "\xD\f{}H \xl\f{} (1,1)"
@ s13 legend "pV (kJ/mol)"
0.0000    0 -29136.337 63.503958 19.491314 0.0000000 12.700792 31.751979 63.503958 67.421648 71.375522 75.362115 79.378551 83.422410 1.6650634
0.2000    0 -29341.744 95.496064 -258.31621 0.0000000 19.099213 47.748032 95.496064 85.312750 85.791887 87.838454 90.571444 93.705941 1.6496685
0.4000    0 -28839.430 81.996287 8.7445649 0.0000000 16.399257 40.998143 81.996287 84.283621 87.281402 90.697714 94.393505 98.291373 1.6952030

The first line after the time is the thermodynamic state. We can then distinguish which state each sample is from.

Again you will need to install [[1]]. will be in examples directory.

The correct invocation is:

  python -f directory/prefix -t 300 -p 1 -n 2500 -v  > outpufile

'-t' is temperature, '-p' is pressure, '-f' is (prefix of the files, including directory), and '-v' is verbose output (not required, but helpful to understand!)

It will use all files it finds with the given prefix, and it will assume they are numbered in order. In this case, there should only be one file. If there are multiple expanded ensemble files, it will analyze all the data together. We should omit the first 2 ns, since we know that the weights were still equilibrating. Read over the usage for standard calculations.

Understanding the analysis

Let's look at the output file:

 The number of files read in for processing is:  1
 output is verbose
 Reading metadata from solvation_direct/outputs/dhdls/ethanol_expanded.dhdl.xvg...
 Done reading metadata from solvation_direct/outputs/dhdls/ethanol_expanded.dhdl.xvg...
 Reading solvation_direct/outputs/dhdls/ethanol_expanded.dhdl.xvg...

All standard stuff saying what it's doing. The next part is important. pymbar determines how many of the samples are statistically uncorrelated, and only uses every [math]\displaystyle{ 1/2\tau }[/math] samples. Although it says correlation time,s it's really the twice the correlation time, which is the length of time required between uncorrelated samples.

  Now computing correlation times
  Correlation times:
  [ 1.13024145  1.53302243  1.43612724  1.08803448  1.55534344  1.37338905 1.40559608  1.08837468  1.083193  ]
  number of uncorrelated samples:
  [24331 17939 19149 25275 17681 20024 19565 25267 25388]

The next part is initalization information. We use the (faster, ignores information Bennett's acceptance ratio to get a quick estimate of the free energies between states, and refine it with multistate Bennett's acceptance ratio. For simple calculations, probably overkill.

 relative_change =        1.000
 iteration     0 : DeltaF =            4.609
 relative_change =        0.000
 iteration     1 : DeltaF =            4.609
 relative_change =        0.000
 Convergence achieved.
 Converged to tolerance of 8.439389e-13 in 2 iterations (5 function evaluations)
 DeltaF =    4.609 +-    0.007

Goes on like that for a while. Then we actually start the MBAR calculation. Some diagnostic information at the beginning.

  Computing free energy differences...
  Using embedded C++ helper code.
  K = 9, L = 9, N_max = 27500, total samples = 194619
  There are 9 states with samples.
  N_k =
  [24331 17939 19149 25275 17681 20024 19565 25267 25388]
  Initial dimensionless free energies with method BAR

This is starting iteration. These f_k's are free energies times [math]\displaystyle{ \beta }[/math], so they are dimensionless. Don't get confused between these values and the final values for the free energies of each state.

  f_k =
  [  0.           4.60854858   8.63821596  10.52813716  12.39909138
    13.90581448  14.60066295  12.653474     7.08947627]
  Determining dimensionless free energies by Newton-Raphson iteration.
  self consistent iteration gradient norm is     274.37, Newton-Raphson gradient norm is   0.001627
  Choosing self-consistent iteration on iteration 0
  current f_k for states with samples =
  [  0.           4.60851302   8.63587897  10.52784259  12.39754897
    13.90747094  14.60015956  12.65309141   7.08891004]
  relative max_delta = 1.600662e-04
  self consistent iteration gradient norm is     61.179, Newton-Raphson gradient norm is 1.0307e-05
  Choosing self-consistent iteration for lower gradient on iteration 1
  current f_k for states with samples =
  [  0.           4.60810077   8.63487764  10.52740478  12.39729092
    13.90745661  14.60018318  12.65278436   7.08849961]
  relative max_delta = 6.858353e-05
  self consistent iteration gradient norm is     15.488, Newton-Raphson gradient norm is 4.3297e-07
  Newton-Raphson used on iteration 2

And it goes on like that for a while. It switched to Newton-Raphson once it appears to be converging. This might take 1 step, it might take 5-10 steps. Once it switches to Newton-Raphson, it will go very quickly.

Soon (should just be a few seconds!) we get:

  Converged to tolerance of 3.175483e-14 in 5 iterations.
  Of 5 iterations, 3 were Newton-Raphson iterations and 2 were self-consistent iterations
  Recomputing all free energies and log weights for storage
  Final dimensionless free energies
  f_k =
  [  0.           4.60763423   8.63398184  10.52688519  12.39691766
    13.9073167   14.6002695   12.65255384   7.08801044]
  MBAR initialization complete.

Now let's get to the the results:

First, it prints "Deltaf_ij". These are the values of [math]\displaystyle{ \beta\Delta G_{ij} }[/math]. It's a 9x9 matrix, because there are 9 states. The diagonal is zero, because the free energy difference between a state and itself is zero.

 [[  0.           4.60763423   8.63398184  10.52688519  12.39691766
    13.9073167   14.6002695   12.65255384   7.08801044]
  [ -4.60763423   0.           4.02634761   5.91925096   7.78928344
     9.29968247   9.99263527   8.04491961   2.48037622]

Next, "dDeltaf_ij" entries are the uncertainties in Deltaf_ij

 [[ 0.          0.00647308  0.01354042  0.01840233  0.0185153   0.01912802
    0.02082696  0.02560051  0.0281657 ]
  [ 0.00647308  0.          0.00916897  0.01537218  0.01550672  0.01623309
    0.0182042   0.02351631  0.02628569]

Finally, the full the results. Six different methods to compare! The rows only run from 0 to 7, because there are only 8 free energy DIFFERENCES -- 0 to 1, 1 to 2, etc.

         TI (kJ/mol)   TI-CUBIC (kJ/mol)       DEXP (kJ/mol)       IEXP (kJ/mol)        BAR (kJ/mol)       MBAR (kJ/mol)
     0:    11.546 +-  0.016   11.516 +-  0.017   11.475 +-  0.031   11.588 +-  0.041   11.498 +-  0.017   11.496 +-  0.016
     1:    10.326 +-  0.023   10.071 +-  0.026   10.085 +-  0.057   10.009 +-  0.088   10.054 +-  0.024   10.046 +-  0.023
     2:     5.416 +-  0.027    4.706 +-  0.040    4.688 +-  0.106    4.961 +-  0.296    4.715 +-  0.027    4.723 +-  0.022
     3:     4.716 +-  0.015    4.751 +-  0.015    4.922 +-  0.049    4.665 +-  0.011    4.668 +-  0.010    4.666 +-  0.007
     4:     3.679 +-  0.012    3.686 +-  0.013    3.811 +-  0.029    3.746 +-  0.013    3.759 +-  0.011    3.768 +-  0.009
     5:     1.419 +-  0.017    1.965 +-  0.020    1.604 +-  0.170    1.759 +-  0.022    1.734 +-  0.016    1.729 +-  0.015
     6:    -5.418 +-  0.023   -5.320 +-  0.026   -5.115 +-  0.207   -4.947 +-  0.062   -4.858 +-  0.031   -4.859 +-  0.031
     7:   -13.178 +-  0.021  -13.654 +-  0.025  -13.911 +-  0.048  -13.676 +-  0.169  -13.882 +-  0.020  -13.883 +-  0.020
 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
 TOTAL:    18.505 +-  0.186   17.721 +-  0.198   17.559 +-  0.305   18.104 +-  0.361   17.688 +-  0.059   17.684 +-  0.070

Things to note: with 9 states, TI is not so good; it's about 1 kJ/mol away from the other values. If we use cubic interpolation to integrate, we improve the agreement with the other algorithms.

Exponential averaging in both directions, insertion and deletion (EXP and DEXP) are not that far off for this example, but the uncertainties are fairly large.

The values for BAR and MBAR are very close! But the uncertainty estimate of BAR is lower. it SEEMS like BAR is better, but that is actually because the BAR estimate is too low. If you ran the experiment lots of times, and computed the sample error you would get a result which is closer to 0.07 than 0.059. This is a known problem with BAR. The estimate of the pairwise differences (0-1, 1-2, 2-3) are all accurate, but the SUM is inaccurate, because the 0->1 and 1->2 calculations both share the same data set, data set 1.

MBAR is generally the lowest variance estimate for a given amount of sampling. In some special cases, TI can get lower, and is frequently almost as good IF enough intermediate states are included. BAR can be almost as good as MBAR, but the uncertainty estimate for the full calculation can frequently be too low.

These are very accurate calculations (in the case of MBAR). Note that they are correct to within 0.07 kJ/mol, which is 0.016 kcal/mol. This free energy can probably only be computed to within 0.05 kcal/mol experimentally.

Hamilton replica exchange

There is no point in doing expanded ensemble with Hamiltonian replica exchange -- it's ALREADY visiting all of the states.